
Special for those new to Equado!

Only $95 for a full month of classes! ALL classes are eligible!

All classes we offer – Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Little Dragons, Tai Chi, Women’s Self Defense 
Come to any or all for the first month, as often as you’d like, for just $95.00!
After that, choose the class you want at normal prices.

Got more than one person? 50% off every sign up after the first!

Great for families!


Number of people Price Total
One Person  $95 $95
Second Person 50% off!   $95 + $47.50   $142.50
3rd Person  50% off!   $142.50 + 47.50  $190
4th Person 50% off!  $190 +47.50  $237.50

Special Pricing – One Month

Student first name(s):

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